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“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears turned to their prayer,” 1 Peter 3:12

“The human heart plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.”  Proverbs 16:9

A big step to accepting God’s Divine Will (entering the Kingdom of the Divine Will) fully within the life of the soul is being open to accepting guidance.  Sometimes, God may be very apparent in His guidance but many other times He may seem to be silent. This isn’t to say the He isn’t active. 

I can remember the way my dad would often teach and guide me.  We would sit, watch TV and talk at night, he would use this ‘quiet time’ as opportunity to ask how things were in my life. I would tell him about what was going on and I would tell him about any issues or stress points.  My dad would let me talk through the situation, oft times not speaking at all, so it seemed. I don’t remember that many times that he told me what to do or how to resolve some situation. Instead, he would guide my thoughts and allow me to walk through to ‘my own’ resolution.  I look back now at the bigger events that I can actually remember and can see now that he did guide me to the right answer but did it in a way that I found it and could take ownership. When needed though, he would ‘tell me like it was’ holding nothing back. I had such a deep level of trust in his guidance and wisdom that in those ‘edicts’, I knew he was doing the best for me.  And, in those subtle guidance times, I had confidence of his listening ear and wisdom to truly open to my dad.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Proverbs 22:6

I’ve come to realize just how much my dad, unknowingly, was teaching me about the Father.  Most times I can’t say God does much more than listen to my words and subtly guide me through my thoughts and conscious.  He always leads me in the right path and will never let me make the wrong choice without some ‘input’ but he doesn’t force me.  Well, sometimes the Father has to be more forward with me. There are times that He has had to step in and push me in the right direction for sure.  

My conversations with the Father are as comfortable as my sitting with my dad in front of a John Wayne movie.  I guess that’s why it’s so easy for me to turn to the Father. What can I say about speaking with Jesus? That is like speaking to my big brother.  He never judges me and always loves me unconditionally. The Holy Spirit is always that ‘ear’ to turn to and lean upon. He truly is the whisper in my heart that guides my ever movement.  The level of trust I have developed with God is unparalleled. I know without doubt that He ALWAYS has by best in mind. And being God all-powerful and all-knowing doesn’t hurt for when I need to lean harder on him.  I have a ways to go but ever day in every way God draws me to trust Him more.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart”  Proverbs 3:5