Greatest Title

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My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy. Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hands are crowned with mercy”. Divine Mercy in My Soul # 300-301

I read this and think of great titles. I tell my family all the time that the greatest titles I’ve ever had have been, “husband’, ‘dad’, and now ‘Papap.’ Jesus tells St. Faustina how He rejoices in the title of Mercy.

Why is title important? A title define who you are and how you see yourself. A title is who you see yourself as. A title is something to which you’ll be fully committed because it is you.

I will give everything of myself as ‘husband’, ‘dad’, and ‘papap.’ I hold nothing back because these titles are who I am. I don’t think about it or weigh my actions within these titles. I just give myself to them.

If I am so committed to my titles of ‘husband’, ‘dad’, and ‘papap’, how much more committed is Jesus to His title of ‘Mercy’? Just in case you may be wondering or need a reminder, look at the profile picture on this post and below.

His title, ‘Mercy’, is fully shown upon the cross. His heart was pierced by a lance in rejoicing to spread Mercy. He hung upon the cross to proclaim Mercy. Nails drove through His hands to crown His mercy.

Jesus takes great pride in the title of Mercy. His heart is filled with inestimable joy when a soul cries out this title. his joy is made complete when the soul bends its knee and head in humility and sorrow to this title of Mercy.

When was the last time you proclaimed this great title of Jesus within your life?

My Heart rejoices in this title of Mercy. Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hands are crowned with mercy”.