“Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 687
“When hardened sinners say it, I will fill their souls with peace, and the hour of their death will be a happy one.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 1541
Perhaps it’s no surprise to hear it said that the Mercy of God is infinite. But “infinity” is quite a concept to grasp. In fact, some would argue that it is impossible to grasp. Delving into something that is infinite and has no bounds is beyond what we could ever fathom. So it is with the Mercy of God. Being infinite, we should realize that we will spend eternity, an infinite existence, seeking and receiving this Mercy that will never end. Right now, on Earth, our experience of the infinite Mercy of God is quite limited. It’s as if we can take in a thimble full while the endless oceans await.
“Oh Jesus, I understand that Your Mercy is beyond all imagining … God’s Mercy is unfathomable and inexhaustible. Just as God Himself is inexhaustible. Even if I were to use the strongest words there are to express this mercy of God, all this would be nothing compared to what is the reality.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 692
Do you ever spend time reflecting upon infinity? So it is with God’s Mercy. How could it ever end? How could it ever be exhausted?
His Mercy is as vast and wide as God is Himself.
Reflect upon the essence of God, and as you marvel at His infinite nature, allow yourself to be drawn into His unending gift of Love. For when you can begin to grasp it, you will desire it. And when you desire it, you will have begun your journey into infinity.