“God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26
In today’s society, human life and man’s dignity before God is demeaned and thought throwaway trash. Puppies in a kennel, seals on a beach, whales at Sea World are given more value than the unborn child in a woman’s womb. The rights of an elephant born in a zoo are fought for in court. The argument that it should have human rights and be treated better or set free – an elephant that already receives food, a home and loving care – more than the man sleeping under a bridge down the street. This is ridiculous when you see it with open eyes.
All the stars in the cosmos, all the marvels of the heavens, of earth and of Heaven are simply mind blowing. We could get lost in the beauty of what God created and how He has spun them throughout history and time. Gaze upon the beauty of the Aurora Borealis, or the Grand Canyon, Glacier Nation Park or just out over the lazy crashing waves of the ocean or a colorful sunrise or sunset and I dare you to not become awe inspired. God does fantastically, marvelous work. No doubt, He is quite the artist.
But, above all His most marvelous and incredible creations, man is valued above all. Not just a little bit more nor does anything He made run a close second. You -YOU are His most marvelous and valued work. He was so inspired by His work in man that the Father gave him His own image AND His own very breath. Then, if that weren’t enough, He gave His Son so man could live with Him forever. God considers up to be priceless – of value beyond all price.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16-17
Spend time today and then every day reminding yourself of the value God the Creator Father has placed on you. You are His greatest pride and biggest joy. You bring a smile to the face of God, all the beauty of the cosmos is so ordinary to Him in comparison. Think of the love and adoration God has for you. Yes, He adores you above all His magnificent creations. In fact, everything He made was that man could have a home and see His splendor in life. Jesus adores you so much that He came from the most splendorous throne in the beauty of Heaven where whole hosts of angels continuously sing His glory to be brutally beaten and die a sinner’s death on the cross. A sinner’s death for a man without sin – He carried your sin. What is love? That is love. This live shows your value and what He is willing to pay to win the prize of your heart.