God listens

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When I called, you answered me; you built up strength within me. (Psalm 138:3)

What happens when we cry out to God? Well, we know God listens attentively to our pleas. “You have heard the words of my mouth,” the psalmist proclaims.

 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with all my heart,

for you have heard the words of my mouth (138:1).

Jesus is waiting for us to look at Him, to talk to Him and spend time with Him.  To trust him.

He wants to draw us to a deeper relationship, the deepest relationship we have with anyone – bar none.

God loves us from before creation – agape, infinite, intimate, total, self-giving 

Give the best moments, one of the most precious gifts we can offer to God is our time.  He knows how much we cherish time in this life. The soul should give that time to God to get to know him, ‘sit at His knee’ and listen.

This makes me think of the lyrics to the Casting Crowns song ‘One More Song For You’ – “all the prayers that have been lifted, The leaps of faith, the giants slain, Desperate cries, and broken praise”.

In all these prayers, the Holy Spirit has been there to lift my broken prayers.  Jesus has always been there for grace and just to listen and comfort and heal. The Father, He is my counselor, my guide, my strength.  And of all the prayers I’ve said, it wasn’t the words or needs that mattered to God, He already knows our needs before we ask. No, for the Father, the most precious thing of these prayers offered was the conversation and time spent with Him.  I think Jesus most cherishes spending time with the soul – just He and the soul. Millions of prayers offered every day, have no doubt that your prayer is singly on His mind and heart. THAT is His level of love.

Last night while talking to a friend I came to realize that one my most intimate prayers was the most broken I’ve ever offered.  It occurred that night in the ICU, after my faith collapsed and hours before Kristina went into respiratory failure. I was fried, over stressed and my faith meter was on E.  I said to God, “I have nothing left, I don’t know how to pray anymore.” This has always hung in my heart and mind but until last night, I hadn’t realized how much it meant to God.  Last night as I told this story, I heard Him speak within my heart. “My beloved son, I was waiting for you to empty your efforts and turn to me with all your trust.” Strange that a ‘broken prayer’ rang from the deepest place and was the most beautiful words to Jesus’ heart.  

One comment

  1. Very powerful closing! When we are empty He fills us up. Hard to recognize how powerless we really can be!

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