God Laughs

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They say ‘if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.”

Human plans will be thwarted, since they must conform to My will.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1180

It’s easy for us to come up with what we deem to be a great plan for our lives and for the glory of God.  We can think, and plan, and develop and organize things in a certain way only to find out that what we have come up with is not what is in the Mind of God. 

To avoid failing to allow Him to lay out His perfect plan for their lives and for their good work of giving Him glory, the soul must always strive to sincerely listen to God speak.  

The fact remains that if something is not the Will of God, it will not happen.  No matter how hard we try, our plans become thwarted by the Will of God.  And this is good. 

We have a choice – very simply laid before us. We can choose to fight God and try to do it our way. Or, we can surrender and submit to His Divine Will from the start. Yes, a salmon fights and gets up that fast flowing stream, but, the effort kills it in the process. We waste so much strength, effort and time fighting to swim our way against the current of God’s Will. We think we see the easy and best route before us. But, we fail to ask God the best route and plan.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just rest in the current and flow along with it? The key is to learn to listen to God’s plan and submit. Even more so, to just submit and not question. God truly does know what is best in our lives to get us to Heaven. It might not always be a smooth or fun road of faith, but it is always the best. And, when we come to understand God has our best interests in heart AND the strength and wisdom to make us so, peace rests upon our soul. Though a storm may rage around us, peace is found within us.

Instead of making God laugh at your crazy plans, make Him smile by simply saying yes to His.