Give My Heart

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How do I give this heart fully to Christ?

What can I do to give my heart fully to You Lord? Since before my birth You have been calling me to Your heart. How do I keep saying no through my sinful ways when I gaze upon Your crucifix and look into Your eyes? I see Your love and compassion but I still lash Your back by sinning again.

Since I first saw You, Lord, I have been trying to figure out how to give more fully my heart. To live fully within Your heart and will. You tell me ‘take up My Cross and join My suffering. Be willing to give Your very life IF I call. For now pursue Me in My Holy Sacraments of love and mercy. Let nothing keep you from My forgiveness in Reconciliation nor my love in the Eucharist
Let nothing I do get between Your love and mercy. Draw me to You in Reconciliation and the Eucharist. When in the confessional I kneel before You and open myself fully to Your mercy and love. When in adoration I kneel before You in the most Holy Sacrament at the altar I gaze upon Your deepest love and when in Mass I take the same Eucharistic body into me I become love and mercy through You.

Pursue Him and let NOTHING keep you from Him in the Sacraments and in life… He will most assuredly let nothing stand in His way to get to You and draw you closer to Him. No sin, no demons, no distractions, nothing will take His gaze from you nor His hand from you.

Pray with me ‘I am Yours, Lord Jesus, make me Yours without hesitation in my heart. Wash me of my fear and shame so I can stand within Your pure heart. Immaculate Mother Mary, teach me to live Your Fiat. Total and selfess giving of my heart.’

Forever in Christ