Gifts for all

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The Holy Spirit has given each believer a spiritual gift.  Take time the next few days before Pentecost to see that gifts in you already, develop those gifts and ask the Holy Spirit to pour more gifts into your soul, this entails surrendering and opening your soul to His Divine Will.

A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. (1 Corinthians 12:7, NLT)

Each soul has been given a spiritual gift. That’s the Biblical truth. So no matter what the enemy tells you, no matter what people tell you, no matter what your insecurity tells you – just know that God has given you a spiritual gift.

I know sometimes you might doubt that.  And one of the reasons a believer will doubt that they have a spiritual gift is because they haven’t yet discovered which gift the Holy Spirit has deposited in them.  The Bible makes it clear that God has given you a spiritual gift.  No matter what you feel, no matter what you see or don’t see, you have a spiritual gift or gifts.

So how do you know which spiritual gift God has given to you?

“Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives…”  1 Corinthians 14:1

There is nothing wrong with desiring a spiritual gift.  Paul the apostle encouraged believers to desire the spiritual gifts.  Your desire for a particular gift could be a sign that God has given you that gift.  If you you desire a spiritual gift, who was it do you think that put that desire there?  The enemy?  Why would he give you a desire to become helpful to the Church?  Was it your flesh? Since when does your flesh want anything to do with God?  Sure, the flesh might give you impure motives for operating the gifts.  But the desire itself, the pure longing to help a believer in a certain area, couldn’t possibly be from your flesh.

“A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great” Proverbs 18:16  If you truly have a spiritual gift, you don’t have to go around announcing it.  It just shows.  It makes room for you.  It creates ministry opportunities naturally. A sign that you have a spiritual gift is that others notice the gift on your life. 

This, of course, does not mean that others need to acknowledge a gift on you in order for you to have it.   This means the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will find a way to profit His Church.  In other words, they will find a ministry through you.  

I can clearly see how the gifts the Holy Spirit has endowed within me have carried me like a stream into the ministries, existing or new, that fit who I am in the Spirit.  And because these aren’t forced, I can humbly and more easily serve the Glory of God.

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.” 1 Corinthians 12:4

You know you have a gift if you sense or see that gift in operation.  This might be the most obvious, but it’s also the clearest sign that you have a gift.

Again, this might seem obvious.  But you’d be amazed at how many people take for granted the gifts operating in their lives.  Take time to make a list of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit from 1 Corinthians 12.  Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to the ways you may have these gifts as part of you already.  Then, continue to list of all the gifts and talents that you have in your heart to glorify God.  Maybe they don’t appear to be the listed Gifts in 1 Corinthians but when you make this list of talents, you may be surprised.  I was.  On my list, I saw that I have a gift of prayer and praise.  I love to lift my hands in praise to our Awesome God.  I love praise festivals and am very prone to have my hands lifted in praise even during Mass.  I also love to pray, my favorite prayer by far is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy but I love praying with my wife as well as for and with my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I often can feel that I’m being drawn close to God in these prayers.  From these two things, God exposed to me the Gift of Faith from the Holy Spirit.  In this realization, I’ve seen the gift showing even in tough and dark times.

Pay close attention to how God might be working in your life already, and you may see a spiritual gift that has been there all along.  Something you don’t even think about, because it is simply a part of who you are.