“When my love and desire had reached a high degree, I saw at my bedside a Seraph, who gave me Holy Communion, saying these words: “Behold the Lord of Angels.” When I received the Lord, my spirit was drowned in the love of God and in amazement.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1676
What does Divine Mercy have to do with the Eucharist? Everything!!! The Jesus we see in the Divine Mercy image is the same Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In the image, the veil has been lifted. Saint Faustina wrote, “O great and Divine Sacrament that veils my God! Jesus, be with me each moment, and no fear will enter my heart” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 4
There is no greater gift in this world than Holy Communion. And yet we so often approach that Sacrament with a distracted and inattentive heart. To overcome such a distraction you must first be convinced, with your entire mind, of the deep truths of the reality of Holy Communion. You must submit, with deep faith, to the reality that God is there, fully, in veiled form, coming to unite Himself with you in the most profound way. Second, as you believe, you must make an act of the will, choosing to receive Him not only into your body, but into every part of your being. Believe and then choose and the Lord of Mercy will transform your life through your worthy reception of Holy Communion
Just as blood carries life-sustaining oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in our body, the Eucharist is our spiritual food and transfuses us with life-saving grace and power, and provides us with nourishment and grace for our travels on the spiritual road of life.
The Eucharist is that important. The Eucharist is the oxygen and blood, food and water if the soul.
Do you prepare to receive this great gift as if it is the most important thing you’ll ever receive? Or is it just routine and habit?
I recently was blessed by a vision at Church. After praying the Chaplet of St. Michael, I opened my eyes, looking up I saw thousands of angels filling the space. I thought, ‘wow! How crowded.’ I saw the joy and praise of the angels for the Divine Liturgy that was being offered. As I approached to receive my Lord in the Eucharist, I noticed many others who had angels accompanying them but many who walked alone with no angel escort. As I received the Eucharist, I felt a rush and a sense of holy envy from the angels surrounding me. They had a holy envy that we are privileged to receive our Lord in the Eucharist. I was awash with joy.
Reflect upon the past several times you have gone forward to receive our Lord in Holy Communion. What was going through your mind at the time? Where was your heart in these moments? Renew your total trust in God as He comes to you through this most Precious Gift and resolve to receive Him more worthily the next time you receive this privilege.
Go to receive Jesus knowing the angels walk with you if you are prepared to receive. Know they would be enraptured to receive Him.