Gift of Praise

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“Your love, Jesus, is enough for me. I will glorify You in abandonment and darkness, in agony and fear, in pain and bitterness, in anguish of spirit and grief of heart. In all things may You be blessed.“ Divine Mercy # 1662

When our hearts are full of praise – our heart sing praise as naturally as it beats, we seek to praise God’s greatness in the wonderful times of life as well as the storms and dark days that inevitably come. Faith and trust train the soul to lift its voice and sing the majesty and glory of God from the beauty of a newborn baby in a manger to the horrors of the Cross standing on Cavalry. A heart of praise fully knows and recognizes the love and mercy of God in ALL moments – and offers that song of praise joyfully.

“My mouth praises You with joyful lips when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.” Psalm 63:6-7

In the dark of the night when the ‘demons’ haunt our memories and in the storms of the day we struggle through, praise armors our soul and lifts our mind from the shadow. We rest in the darkness and storm under the wing of All Mighty God and peace of His presence and help snuggles us with His mighty arms – it is then that our soul sings out with joy.

Do you have a heart of praise? Is praise the cornerstone of your prayer? If not, I challenge you to make it so. Start every day, every prayer with praise. End every day and every prayer with praise. Let praise close the gap between the start and end of the day and prayer. Let praise be you.

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