Getting to Know God

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Credit for this post goes to my brother in Christ – Matt Dziadyk and his Facebook group ‘Coming Home to the truth of Christ’

Here are some tips to improve your relationship with God (I have done these and they have worked)

Read the Bible more. If you take just 10-15 minutes of your day to read scripture, in place of Facebook or tik tok or tv, you will see a great improvement in your relationship to Christ.

Pray the Rosary daily. Even if you must start out with one decade per day and work your way to all 5 decades, that will help improve your relationship to God.

Read Catholic books. Some authors I recommend: FrDonald Calloway, Scott Hahn, Patrick Madrid, Edward Corbett, Matthew Kelly. Their books will renew any faith that was lost, rid the doubt in your mind, and ultimately help you come closer to the Lord.

Monthly (at least) confessions. Going to confession in general helps renew our relationship to God. The more frequent you go, the better the relationship will be. Also, find yourself a good confessor. Someone who can be a spiritual guide and knows you, so they can truly help. With that said, try to avoid hopping to different priests. While there isn’t a rule against it (that I know of), it makes it easier for one to fall back into the same sins over again.

Go to daily mass as often as possible. I know everyone is busy. I also am busy. While I’ve been lacking in this specific tip in my own life, in the past I have gone to daily mass and it has helped me a great deal. If you can make it to 2-3 daily masses as well as Sunday mass, your relationship will grow even deeper with the Lord.