Get Right

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““And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? If you are to go with your opponent before a magistrate, make an effort to settle the matter on the way; otherwise your opponent will turn you over to the judge, and the judge hand you over to the constable, and the constable throw you into prison. I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.”” Luke 12:57-59

Make no mistake that God is the Judge. God is the only One Who we should fear casting judgment upon our soul. It is 1,000% guaranteed that His judgment will be just. Of that we should be fearful. Who among us deserves anything less than eternal condemnation? “There is no one who is righteous, not even one” Romans 3:11

We are all walking towards the Magistrate in hopes of receiving a just judgment. We need to see that beside us is walking every person against whom we’ve sinned. Every sin we’ve ever committed, realized or not, intentional or not, is carried upon our back. With each step closer to the Judgment seat, the weight becomes heavier. Each person and sin is witness against us. The evidence of every reason why we should NOT get into Heaven, not even Purgatory. Each sin and witness against us bears condemnation in their voice. Condemning us like we did Christ at the cross – Luke 23:21. The more we hope, the louder they cry for a condemning sentence.

But, also walking beside us through every step is Jesus. Divine Mercy Incarnate step for step with us along our Road of Faith. He is giving us the opportunity to ‘settle the matter’ before we come before the Magistrate. Jesus comes alongside us, looking for us to get right with God now. He offers His Divine Mercy to leave along the side of the road all the sins and witnesses. He offers us THE way to make amends now.

It’s not easy to receive this gift, but it is simple. Divine Mercy is free. Jesus’ Sacred Heart is burning to give this Divine Mercy to you. But, free doesn’t mean there is no cost. Free doesn’t mean there’s no work involved.

Divine Mercy is readily and always available but we must come to Jesus and ask. We can’t expect that we deserve His Divine Mercy so think we’re entitled to it. We must ask. We must come before Jesus on humble knees and with contrite heart. We must turn our head and heart toward God. Simple but not easy. Especially, when you’re here again and again begging. The cost comes next, you must surrender your sin guilt to Jesus’ cross. You must surrender your heart to Him. You must “work out your salvation“ (Philippians 2:12-13), making every effort to not sin again. And, when you do fall again (and again), “with fear and trembling” approach Jesus again for Divine Mercy. Trust that Jesus is always there wanting to give you that Mercy.

‘Get right’ before you stand before God. Don’t wait and hope at the judgment seat that you’ll receive Mercy over Justice. Turn to Jesus NOW and ask for His Divine Mercy. Run to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to find mercy. Turn to Jesus immediately when you notice a sin committed, no matter how small. Ask for forgiveness and mercy. The thing that makes this Mercy Divine is that God, in Jesus, is always ready to give it in full, no matter how many times nor how dark the sin.

Go now and ‘get right.’