From darkness – Mercy

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Father Michael Gaitley of the Marian Father (author of ‘33 days to morning glory’, ‘second greatest story’ and more) gave me one of my favorites quotes and Bible verses related to Divine Mercy.

“Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more”. Romans 5:20

When I saw the view shown in this photograph in the lights reflecting off the river, I was overwhelmed by God’s message of Mercy in these times.  He spoke to my heart, “tell the world, from the darkness flows My Mercy.

Look at this picture, focus on the red and white ‘rays’ from darkness and how they appear to be emanating from the darkness.  The light is brightest and strongest closest to the darkness. In times of fear and sin, Jesus Christ in His Divine Mercy shines brightest.  Because where sin is great, grace abound all the more and where fear seems to overwhelm the world and threaten to overcome the soul, GRACE ABOUNDS!!!  Abounds!  

This is why Jesus tells St Faustina, “the greater the sinner, the greater he has right to My Mercy” and “I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy.

In these days of vita fear, make faith and trust in Jesus go viral.  Start with your own heart and then share this good, no, this AWESOME news.  Don’t let fear into your heart – fight back with trust. Gaze on the image of the Merciful Jesus and repeat the signature Jesus had placed on it – “Jesus I trust in You”.

The grace of God flows like the greatest of rivers.  Let it flood and overflow the ‘banks of your soul’ and wash over those souls around you.  They are fighting back the flood of fear with sandbags and effort but you have the power to give them peace.