Fire of the Spirit

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We visited Los Alamos in New Mexico. This is the site of the research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. The most powerful weapon mankind has yet to create with formulated and designed here.

As I walked through the displays, God moved my heart to see that on Pentecost Sunday, He unleashed the most powerful fire bar none. The fire of the Holy Spirit. The first atomic bomb was part of the ‘Trinity Test’ at 5:29 a.m. on July 16, 1945.

The true fire came down fifty days after that first Easter in ‘rush of violent wind and tongues of flame’ (Acts of the Apostles 2:2-3).

I confidently would say that while both events changed and defined the course of human history, the events of Pentecost Sunday far out do those of ‘the gadget’ detonated in 1945.

We can clearly see the difference of the two fires. The Trinity test and all nuclear weapons have the power only to destroy and terrorize. While, the fires of the Holy Spirit give life, enflame the hearts of the faithful and change eternities.

Do you pray for the Holy Spirit to come down? I do. I pray for a Pentecost Sunday event to occur right now within our world and our hearts. I often beg God for give me this fire, to rain down His tongue flame upon my head and within my heart.

We need the Holy Spirit in our world. But, the Holy Spirit is precise. He comes only to hearts which are open to His explosive power.

As my friends Patrick and Joy say during their Angelus Prayer Challenge on Joyful Hope TV (Joyful Hope TV) BOOM!