There can be no doubt for any believer that we will all face finally judgment someday. All mankind will stand before the Father at some point whether you want to or not, whether you believed in God through your life or not. That day will come.
The Father’s final test question on the exam is “Will you accept My Mercy?’
It is very hard to believe that when asked that seemingly simple question, some souls will say no. Believe it or not, some will say no.
Many souls who never believed or followed God throughout their life will fall to their knees crying out, “yes, Lord! Please forgive me.” And, some who said they were followers will say no. Some will have such a hardened heart at that moment, they will make pharaoh seem open minded. And, some will be stunned when we get to Heaven and see a soul who no one thought possible to be there – because of God’s Mercy and their yes.
I know of a man who said he could live however he liked now because God had to forgive him when he asked at the last moment. No kidding, there are some out there who believe that God’s Justice won’t apply at all and that their willfully bad choices in life and the fact that they cut God out completely every day of their life will not harden their heart. I fear when he stands before the Father and is asked that final question, this man’s heart will be so calloused that he will answer no. Then, wonder why he did that for all eternity. And, just as bad, the soul who will lower his eyes and say, “God could never forgive me.” This ‘no’ will break the Father’s heart.
Prepare yourself now. Study hard for this final test question. I’ll give you the answer now. Pay attention and write this on your soul. When the Father asks, “Will you accept My Mercy?’ – the correct answer is “YES!!!”
Study now and practice your answer every single day. At the end of the day and after any sin (big or small) ask God for His mercy. Step into the Confessional and get used to saying, “I know, if it be Your Will, You can forgive me. Please have Mercy on me, Lord.”
Lastly, pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily or more often. Receive Divine Mercy in your soul and pray mercy upon the whole world.