FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real
Fear is what the enemy lives in and banks on.
Since Faith overcomes Fear, we must trust Jesus in the midst of life’s trials. When a man is defeated by life it is always due, ultimately, to the fact the he is suffering from a spirit of fear. The spirit of fear is the real, the ultimate cause of all failure in life, and of all unhappiness.
Some fears are rooted in previous experiences. We’ve been threatened, rejected or hurt. I’ve been there. How about you?
Other fears exist because we have a strong ability to imagine the worst. Fears of flying in a plane, fears of germs, or fears of public speaking tend to fall in this category. Whatever the source of fear, when we let it overpower us it becomes like a ball and chain, or a prison without walls.
The phrase “fear not” appears numerous times throughout scripture. In the Bible, commands to “fear not” usually come from God or one of His angels. Before Joshua led the Hebrews into battle against their enemies, God said, “Fear not,” (Joshua 8:1). When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce that God had chosen her to be the mother of the Messiah, he said, “Fear not,” (Luke 1:10).
God knows fear is a problem for us. This is why God appeals to us to “fear not.”
God doesn’t condemn us for our fear. He wants to free us from it. Every time God says, “Fear not,” He adds a promise to be there with us, to help us.
When God says, “Fear not,” it’s an invitation to trust, and grow our faith.
We read Jesus’ desire for us to put fear behind us and trust Him every time we gaze upon the image of the Merciful Jesus. Jesus had the image of Divine Mercy signed with the words, “Jesus, I trust in you” precisely to lift us through our fear.
God invites us to rely on His power and not our own. God gives us the power to overcome fear.
Rid yourself of fears. I learned from my brother, Patrick, in his ‘Victory through spiritual healing workshops’ a technique to remove the power of fear. This isn’t exactly what he taught, but it grasps the concept and power of God.
Write down the thing you fear most. Say this prayer over the page, “in the Precious Blood of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of (name the fear), I claim the power of God and His power as the son/daughter of the Almighty Father.” Then, tear up and destroy the paper. Repeat for each fear.
I do this exercise immediately when a fear creeps in. But, I’ll often do it before my cross of St. Benedict (made by Patrick). Go to their website to see their beautiful crosses and purchase this sacramental weapon against fear and the enemy. Click here or on the link below to open a new window in their catalog.

If the fear creeps back, cast it out again. The demon of fear won’t let go without a fight. But, the battle is the Lord’s. “The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still.” Exodus 14:14. And, with your trust in this truth, the victory is won!
Cast out the fears and claim the power of El Shaddai, All-Mighty God.
Claim the power of Jesus over fear!
“On one occasion, the Lord said to me, “Why are you fearful and why do you tremble when you are united to Me? I am displeased when a soul yields to vain terrors. Who will dare to touch you when you are with Me? Most dear to Me is the soul that strongly believes in My goodness and has complete trust in Me. I heap My confidence upon it and give it all it asks”” Divine Mercy in my soul # 453
Gods most perfect love casts out all fear!