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“Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.” John 5:14

Can we who know and have given our life and heart to Jesus fall? Once we have been saved, can we fall?

He already fixed me once. I broke again. I can’t face Him now. He redeemed me and I threw it all away. Jesus replies to my heats, “It’s not much of a redemption if it can be thrown away so easily.” “But, I gave my life to you and look…”

Just because we’ve sworn our heart to Jesus doesn’t make us infallible. Just because He has ‘saved us’, doesn’t make us perfect going forward. Just because we’ve been saved by His grace once, doesn’t mean we can’t be again, and again and again.

““The greater the misery of a soul, the greater its right to My mercy; urge all souls to trust in the unfathomable abyss of My mercy, because I want to save them all. On the cross, the fountain of My mercy was opened wide by the lance for all souls — no one have I excluded!”” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 1182

The Divine Mercy of God, found in the Tribunal of the Mercy seat in the Sacrament of Mercy is always present for our asking.

When I first gave my heart to Jesus that evening many years ago, I came as a beggar. I came covered in the dirt of a lifetime of sins. He saved me that night, in that singular moment. As the tears lay damp on my face that evening, Jesus told me, “your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.”

I went on bended knee soon after to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Kneeling before Father Reardon, I again begged God’s mercy with empty hands and fearful hope. “Father”, I begged, “forgive me for I have sinned. I would like to make my first true confession.” I came that morning with broken heart. For the first time with a heart sorrowful and contrite for what I had done. For the first time ever in the Sacrament I sought mercy and forgiveness. And to my surprise, again like that first night, Jesus gave me His Divine Mercy.

I have fallen many times , more then I dare count, since those first days. But, nothing holds me back from seeking His mercy again, and again and again.

Don’t let guilt of having fallen a trillion billion times hold you back from falling before the Mercy Seat of the Father seeking His Divine Mercy. You will always hear these words from Jesus Himself, “your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.” John 5:14

no one have I excluded!”