Fall From Worship

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“the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six.” Revelation 13:17-18

There are two ‘beasts’ noted in the Book of Revelation chapter thirteen. Many scholars call the first beast stands for political powers and the second beast is for religious power. Man gave gave away their sense of worship of God at Pilates’ tribunal when they called out to crucify Jesus. Pilate asks, “shall I crucify your king?” To which the high priest, Caiaphas, leads the response, “we have no king but Caesar.” They rejected God.

The number 666 can be seen as a degrading of the number 7. The 7th day is the holy day upon which Jesus rose from the dead and when we celebrate Mass. The 7th day is made for worshipping God, it is our new Sabbath day. Speaking something three times adds power, ie Holy, Holy Holy Lord God Almighty shows God not as just Holy or even Holiest, but places God even above Holy in a sense. The most Holy. Calling the beast’s mark triple 6’s tries to call that formula to mind.

In this beast’s attack against the religious, “666” becomes a stalling of man before the new Sabbath’ 7th day. I look around and wonder if this beast isn’t moving in our world today.

We have left behind the specialness of Sunday. Not long ago, Mass, worship of God and family were of top value on Sunday. Few of any businesses were open, extended families got together for big dinners. The day was given to God. Not just at Mass but also in the preparation for Mass by dressing in your best and by keeping God’s love at heart in honoring the Sabbath the remainder of the day.

Now, this beast has opened all businesses and places kids sports in conflict of Mass. He has parents and families choosing soccer over Mass or opting to go to an NFL game instead of Mass or wearing your football jersey to Mass. People don’t dress in their best and often cross the line of appropriateness in the attire they select for honoring God’s Holy Mass. Families split their different ways and don’t come together for that meal.

One of the beautiful things I love within the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is how it highlights that the Liturgy (Mass) doesn’t end with Eucharist but that we take the Eucharist within ourselves out into the world and that we should dedicate the WHOLE day to the Lord. Not just that small hour of Mass.

In the Roman Church, we end Mass saying, Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.” Or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.”

Ask yourself, “do I make Sunday a holy day consecrated to God?” Do you take the Mass from the church to the world? Do you take the Eucharist within you out into the world?

We worship the Lord in the Mass, we worship the Lord all Sunday, we worship the Lord with our whole life. Don’t fall for this beast’s tricks and lie, don’t fall from worship. Ever