Faith vs fear

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“This kind can only come out through prayer and fasting” Jesus told his disciples (Mark 9:29). 

I can feel for the disciples, see the scene as Jesus “approached the other disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and scribes arguing with them.” (Mark 9:14). The disciples had cast our demons before and seen Jesus do it many times.  Why did they fail?

Jesus steps in and tells them, “Everything is possible to one who has faith.”   The man cries out as I find myself so often doing, ““I do believe, help my unbelief!”

Would you have the faith to cast out a demon or heal someone’s illness?

For me fear vs Faith seems to be a constant struggle.

Through curtain situations presented to me, I have realized a great lesson.  The enemy can be very loud and he speaks through fear and doubt. He doesn’t want us to claim faith or the power from God, he wants to keep us down and unsure, afraid to even try.  He will fight to keep us looking around instead of up. The last thing the enemy wants is for us to live in faith. Faith casts out all fear. When in faith, we let God be God, we live for His glory and not in fear of our weakness.  Then we will revel in our weakness because it allows God’s power to shine. To pray in humility and let His power flow as it will.

““The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is – trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive.”  Divine Mercy in my soul #1578

Success in our prayer comes down simply to a prayer of trust in God.  It is His power that will accomplish the ask according to His Will. Faith!  In His power can a mustard seed of faith move mountain ranges.

We just need to step out in faith, keep our focus on Jesus and let His power flow – live in humble faith not fear.  This is an easy formula – TRUST!

Jesus, I trust in You

Jesus, I trust in You

Jesus, I trust in You

One comment

  1. “Let no soul, even the most miserable, fall prey to doubt; for, as long as one is alive, each one can become a great saint, so great is the power of God’s grace. It remains only for us not to oppose God’s action.” Divine Mercy diary #283

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