Bible on the Road – Into the Deep

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“After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon said in reply, “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets.” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing.” Luke 5:4-6

“Put out into deep water…” There is great meaning to this little line.

First of all, it’s important to note that the Apostles had fished all night long with no success.  They were most likely disappointed at their lack of fish and were not all that ready to fish some more.  But Jesus directs Simon to do so and he does it.  The result is that they caught more fish than they thought they could handle.

But the one piece of symbolic meaning we should not miss is that Jesus tells Simon to put out into the “deep” water.  What does that mean?

This passage is not only about the physical miracle of catching fish; rather, it’s much more about the mission of evangelizing souls and accomplishing the mission of God.  And the symbolism of putting out into the deep water tells us that we must be all in and fully committed if we are to evangelize and spread the Word of God as we are called to do.

When we listen to God and act on His word, committing ourselves to His will in a radical and deep way, He will produce an abundant catch of souls.  This “catch” will come in an unexpected way at an unexpected time and will clearly be the work of God.  

But think about what would have happened if Simon would have laughed and told Jesus, “Sorry, Lord, I’m done fishing for the day. Maybe tomorrow.” If Simon would have acted this way he would never have been blessed with this abundant catch. He would probably have not been invited to follow Jesus and would have missed all the wonders he saw and heard. The same is true with us. If we fail to listen to the voice of God in our lives, and fail to heed His radical commands, we will not be used in the way He desires to use us.

Reflect, today, upon your willingness to act upon the voice of the Savior.  Are you willing to say “Yes” to Him in all things?  Are you willing to radically follow the direction He gives?  If so, you also will be amazed at what He does in your life.

Lord, I desire to put out into the deep water and to radically evangelize in the way to which You call me. Help me to say “Yes” to you in all things. Jesus, I trust in You.