One of the more eastern churches we’ve attended on our ‘Faith on the Road’ journey – not Eastern as in the Ukrainian Church we call home, but, eastern on the map. Haha. We followed our app to locate a Catholic Church for Sunday Mass. The first location we went to was the Blue Chapel about 18 miles from where Faith is parked only to find no Mass being celebrated. The app isn’t always 100% accurate which is why we back up our searches with the parish’s website but this website was difficult to find all the seasonal ‘missionary’ churches. So God led us to St. Vincent de Paul. A lovely little church that was very welcoming to two strangers arriving 40 minutes early for Mass.

St. Vincent de Paul was born April 24, 1581, Pouy, now Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, France—died September 27, 1660. He was canonized in 1737; feast day September 27. St. Vincent de Paul is the founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Lazarists, or Vincentians) for preaching missions to the peasantry and for educating and training a pastoral clergy. St. Vincent de Paul is the patron saint of charitable societies, St. Vincent de Paul is primarily recognized for his charity and compassion for the poor, though he is also known for his reform of the clergy and for his early role in opposing Jansenism.