St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt. Airy, Maryland doesn’t stand out as a church building against many others we’ve visited in the past year and a half. But, there was something about it that did stand out. Those indescribable things that just make a church special. The music was outstanding. All traditional from the missal. But, the music director had talent. He was an outstanding pianist and had a fantastic voice. The song selection fit the readings and even the deacon’s homily. The two female cantors were off the charts. They both had wonderful soprano voices that lifted the soul to sing along.
They had a strong representation from the Knights of Columbus. They were being recognized for something and all dressed in full regalia. Very nice to see strong men of faith. The pews were filled with ages from a little months old baby to grey hair. A nice mix of ages represented.
I would highly recommend this church for a visit to celebrate Mass if you’re in the Washington DC/Baltimore area.

St. Michael the Archangel’s feast day is : September 29. He is the patron of grocers, soldiers, doctors, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness.
Saint Michael the Archangel isn’t a saint, but rather he is an angel, and the leader of all angels and of the army of God. This is what the title “Archangel” means, that he is above all the others in rank.
St. Michael has four main responsibilities or offices, as we know from scripture and Christian tradition.
- The first is to combat Satan.
- The second is to escort the faithful to heaven at their hour of death.
- The third is to be a champion of all Christians, and the Church itself.
- And the fourth is to call men from life on Earth to their heavenly judgment.