St. Mary Catholic Church is located in Fort Walton, Florida. The church looked really nice when we viewed on and Google Maps, unfortunately, when we attended Mass, the main church building was closed for construction. So, we celebrated Holy Mass in their school gym. I wasn’t going to post about this church but then, during Mass, the Lord put on my heart that it is the Mass not the location that matters. As the Lord spoke this to me, He gave me to see the image of the priest celebrating Mass on the hood of a jeep.
This great and special event is so huge that it brings Heaven to earth and lifts the ordinary earth to Heaven. Angels sing right at our side as we lift up our Hosanna praise. God comes down to become part of our soul through the Eucharist.
It doesn’t matter if a hovel, shack, falling apart shanty or basilica/cathedral, when Mass is celebrated and Christ is present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Precious Eucharist, it is Heaven on earth.