Talk about a crazy experience at a church on our Road of Faith. Our first visit to St. Gregory the great was not a good experience. Our first visit was on Palm Sunday. The priest cut out the two readings and responsorial hymn and went right from the entry to the Gospel. He placed the Holy Eucharist on my tongue, saying, “this is the Lamb of God”. This is an incorrect statement. It should only be “the Lamb of God.” This all left a bad taste for this church.
We went past this parish several times in our travels around the area and every time we went by, the parking lot was packed. This left us surprised. So, we decided to attend again for God Friday service and praying of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm. Talk about being left speechless. In Pittsburgh, you were lucky to see a church 10% full on Good Friday. But, St. Gregory the Great was full with people standing – maybe 600-700 total. Wow! It seemed everyone knew and prayed in rhythm with the Chaplet. Afterwards, the Latino community at the church put on a live Stations of the Cross and Passion of Christ. Another wow wow! Over 2 hour presentation that was the best I’ve ever seen. All in Spanish but no doubt what the scenes were and what was being said – right down to the ‘bloody’ scourging of Jesus. There had to be a hundred in the production and a couple hundred In attendance – this after over an hour long service.
Never judge someone or a community before coming to know them better. Even first experiences can deceive your heart and leave you cheated on the beauty they hold.
I would highly recommend attending this church, especially if you’re able to be in the area for Easter Triduim.