Our Faith on the Road journey continues to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church located in Palm Coast, Florida. This is a very welcoming and active parish. In the 25 feet from the front door to the sanctuary, we were welcomed no less than 6 times. Their bulletin lists numerous prayer ministries in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Is the first person born in the US to be canonized by the Catholic Church. She lived from August 28, 1774 – January 4, 1821. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was a Catholic religious sister in the United States and an educator. She is known as a founder of the country’s parochial school system. She was canonized on September 14, 1975.
The Road of Faith stretches from this Florida church to Emmitsburg, MD where she did a lot of work and is buried in the Basilica named for her.
The stained glass images of our Lord in the Agony of the Garden and our Lady at the Nativity are beautiful. The centerpiece is the altar and tabernacle. The altar of huge and made of marble. The tabernacle is visible from the main church, sitting behind stained glass. They have daily Adoration scheduled within this room.

Outside the grounds contain a prayer and remembrance garden with plaques of lost loved ones of the parish. Very serene.

What prayer garden would be complete without our Blessed Lady?

Just before the church doors stand a tall Crucifix and a water pool featuring a statue of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Definitely a place to visit if your travels bring you the the Palm Coast of Florida.