Picacho, where our RV is for the next weeks is literally in the middle of the desert. But, even in a desert is great life found abundantly. Casa Grande is twenty miles north and flat desert as well. God led us into the desert and blessed us with abundance 1,000 times over.
We arrived at St. Anthony of Padua thirty-five minutes before Mass to settle and pray. Pulling into the parking lot, we thought maybe they had a wedding, the lot was pretty full. Then, as we parked, we second guessed the time for Mass, but I had double-checked that and there were people walking in. Entering the church blew me away. There were lines ten deep for the confessionals and a fairly full church was just starting the Rosary. In the minutes before Mass, when most Catholics typically arrive, few came in the doors, most were already there. All loudly praying the Rosary. I was able to go to Confession to prep for the coming Easter joy and Divine Mercy Sunday.
This is a very lovely parish, alive in faith. Why? Look to the confessionals and Eucharist for proof of the life of a parish. St. Anthony of Padua has the Sacrament of Confession for an hour prior to Mass….with long lines at multiple confessionals. Watch the Eucharist, many received on the tongue and none that I saw rushed down the aisle to ‘get it done.’ The pastor celebrated Mass and you could tell Mass, his parish people and the Eucharist are very important to him.
South of Phoenix in Casa Grande, don’t miss a visit to St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. An awesome place to witness God’s presence.
Tomorrow, for the next three days they have their parish mission. They’ve brought in a missionary prepay who for the past seven years lived in Rome in the same house as Pope Francis. Connie and I feel God brought us to St. Anthony of Padua for great consolations and to attend this mission.

The side chapel
Divine Mercy Chapel
Never can forget our Lady of Fatima. Sitting beautiful, glowing all white one night following a mission talk.
Last week’s ‘Faith on the Road’, God hung a cross in the sky over the church. This week, after Confession and for nearly 25 minutes of Mass, God blinded me with His brilliant presence and joy. This light shone through the stained glass window of St. Joseph into my eyes. This light was shining through the face of this image of St Joseph the whole time. The people around me didn’t show signs on this light on them. It hung through St Joseph far to long to be the Sun. God in His joy shines down upon us all – today, He lit my soul with His bright countenance.