We broke our rule, we went to this church twice – and on back to back weekends. To be honest, if we had just gone the first time only, I wouldn’t be sharing this post now.
God has put on Connie and my heart that we are not to visit a Catholic Church for Mass more than once. He has clearly ‘soured the milk’ in the past. Meaning, we’ve gone to some breathtaking Churches that stood out in many ways but then something would come up to turn us away. God has told us clearly that on this, our Faith on the Road journey, we are to see all He offers in His One, Holy, Apostolic Catholic Church. So we let God guide us.
Last week the Mass was nice. But, Our Lady of Grace is somewhat unadorned and not memorable. Except for the gentleman who played piano and organ and sang. He is way off the chart incredible. Wow. Connie remarked after our first visit that she ‘could listen to him sing all night.’
So, what made us break the rule? We had our grandkids out for a weekend in the rv. We intended to take them to the Greensburg Cathedral but they were coughing alot and Connie was coming out of a few days illness. So, we decided to go to an evening Mass and just the two of us sit in the back away from others. Little did we know they would follow Mass with a Holy Hour of Adoration and praise. With the gentleman singing worship most of the hour. Wow! Wow wow wow!
An hour before the Lord is always incredible but when you have a voice leading praise like his. One’s soul is truly elated and elevated.
I did a video to try to capture a moment – ‘Lord, I need You.” The sound quality didn’t turnout like I had hoped but it gives a glimpse. I had just been praying this song as we arrived prior to Mass – thinking of Matt Maher singing it on his knees at World Youth Day before the Blessed Sacrament.