Faith on the Road – Our Lady

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Typically our Faith on the Road editions have focused upon a single location of faith. This morning God put upon my heart to focus upon the one person who exemplifies faith for us, His Blessed Immaculate Mother Mary. So, today we will highlight several locations that glorify our Lord through their veneration of His Mother.

First, we revisit Corpus Christi parish south of St. Augustine Florida. The parish has a beautiful statue honoring Our Lady of Fatima located next to the altar. Their our icons of the Blessed Mother throughout the church and a live exhibited within the church’s people

Next we head north to Carnegie PA and Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church. Their lovely icon honoring our Lady is simply gorgeous. Located in a high place of honor to the left of the altar and opposite the icon of our Lord in the Sacred Heart. The Ukrainian rite truly honors Mary very highly, offering many prayer and intentions throughout Divine Liturgy.

Last on our Marian Faith on the Road edition this week is Poland. Wow. Talk about a nation with a love of the Blessed Mother! They’ve named her as Queen of Poland and consecrated their nation to her honor. Every church and site you visit has multiple beautiful icons and statues of our Lady.

Częstochowa, Niepokalanów, Convent of the Sisters of the Mother of Mercy (St Faustina’s order), The Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptowk and the list continues.

On your future travels make a point to look for Marian shrines and points of honor. We will be bringing more of this in the future on Watch for news of future “Faith on the Road” editions.

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