No matter where our journeys take us on the Road of Faith, it is nice to come home. Home for us is Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie PA.
We celebrated Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity on our return home and it was like we had never left. THAT is home. No matter where you go or how long you’re away, when you return, you’re home. With all the comforts and peace that come with being home again. No matter how much the world, your life or home has changed, it is home.
Father Jason is such a pure priest. His vocation is his life. Unlike many of our shepherds, Father Jason understands that his job is to get his flock home – home to God the Father. He knows that sometimes that means speaking the hard truth. Sometimes that truth can upset – most times, the soul who is upset needs to be awakened. He does this with love and conviction because he understands in his vocation, God will look for the fruit.
Things have changed in the world, especially for this congregation. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the biggest. Keep this church community in your prayers as many have family and loved ones who live in this war zone. Father Jason has started a fund to collect and provide relief to the people of the Ukraine. Several have traveled to Poland and even the Ukraine to help those under threat and fear to find relief and escape when possible. Pray and support them in prayer and finances as God provides. They are putting faith into action.
If you want a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist in the ancient Divine Liturgy of the east, go to Holy Trinity. The Divine Liturgy presented for us by Father Jason and Deacon Myron is off the top reverential. Celebrated ad orientem, which means “towards the East”, Father prays to God in the Eucharistic prayed while the people pray to God for Mercy. English Divine Liturgy is every Sunday at 11AM and found online on their Facebook page.

Amen! 🙏