Located in Ocala, Florida, Blessed Trinity is very active and vibrant parish with school and convent.
St. Philip Neri existed as a mission since 1883. The Parish elementary school was started in 1928 with the Parish being named Blessed Trinity in 1922. The Parish was always highly respected for its outreach to the poor and for its excellent Catholic grade school. This parish feels that any parish centered on the Eucharist, that has a good outreach ministry beyond itself and is cultivated hospitality was bound to be successful in the Stewardship Way of Life.
The grounds are a campus for sure with multiple buildings, including the church, school, offices, hall and Knight of Columbus hall.

The first thing I noticed was the number of men present in the pews and active in keys roles as well as in the Mass itself. For a Church to thrive, men must be present and leading. I think that is a key reason this parish feels so alive. Just look at their K of C hall to know they have an active men’s ministry.
Beautiful campus with a wonderful shrine to our lady as centerpiece, a statue of the Sacred Heart near the K of C hall and Stations of the Cross.

They are focused on families, through protection of the unborn as by stopping the scourge of pornography.

I love the statues of Jesus healing the blind man and the large angel supporting the person that are located in the place in front of the doors to the church. We must never forget that God looks to heal and protect us.

The altar is beautiful but the baptismal font located to the left is breathtaking. On the walls to each side of the altar are the stations of the cross with St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother in the center.

When you visit Ocala or Orlando Florida, make Blessed Trinity a prayer and Mass stop. They have daily Mass and Adoration!