Every man has a predominant fault, because of which he commits most of the sins in his daily life. This predominant fault is the knot that ties together most if not all his sin. Conquering that fault means overcoming many different sins.
This fault will not die easily, but a sincere and consistent effort will weaken it more and more. It’s power to control his life will lessen and other sin will come undone and vanish.
Our Lord will not let you fight alone or in vain. He will give strength to make continuous progreed against this fault until it lies dead and forgotten – no longer holding power or influence. We need to continue trying, doing all we can, whatever is necessary to overcome this fault. We need to do all in our power and use all our means to turn toward our upper faculties and destroy this fault. But, in all our strength and courage, we cannot accomplish this without the power and presence of God. The giant may stand tall before us, but before God, he trembles.