A spiritual journal records your journey towards God. Other than meditation and sacred silence, I can’t think of any other practice except reading my Bible that has had a greater impact on my life.
Spiritual journaling can be a meaningful and rewarding experience for Christians. It is not just a chronological diary of the day’s events, but contains the thoughts, reflections, and perceptions of our daily life and events. It should contain stories, articles, and objects that reflect where you are and where you want to be spiritually, physically, and mentally. It contains the keepsakes of the heart and soul and even the wisdom of God.
I encourage spiritual journaling after meditation. Once we become still and relaxed, we create a great environment to hear from God. Keep your journal near while meditating on God to record any words of inspiration, visions, or answers God might be giving you.
I’ve been journaling for about 15 years. I have several journal ‘editions’ with thoughts, prayers and mediations on and from God. My journals show the change within my heart and soul as I’ve moved from a fearful sinner to an emboldened son of the Most High God.
As I said earlier, my journal isn’t a diary of events though it is heavily impacted by the events I was traversing. Most of my book, “I knew His Voice” was drawn from the journal entries in those days. The chapter on Jesus’ first visit comes directly from the journal entry the night after the actual event.
When I journal, I try to open my heart and let God speak through what I’m writing. Many times I find that the thought that prompted me to journal isn’t what I end up writing about in the end. I may begin with an idea but God shifts my thought in the process of writing.
My blog, www.theroadoffaith.net is basically my online journal that I open to the world to read. My book journals tend to be more personal, though some reflections have been redone on THEROADOFFAITH. Not that I hide these, I would be willing to share with others but they show a side of me that is more deeply me. I have had on my heart of publishing a 2nd book that would be a daily reflections through the year – “the Daily Walk on the Road of Faith.” But, I haven’t gotten there yet. The time and expense to self-publish is a tripping point for my will. But, if God tells me to do it…fiat.
Another great part about long-term journaling is reflecting upon the entries at a later date. This may sound strange or prideful but it truly isn’t. One of my joys at times is to pull out an old journal and read my writings from several years back. I enjoy reading where my heart was and seeing how far I’ve traveled down the Road of Faith. I can see a trend away from reflecting upon my sins to one now that is more about praising.
Lastly, a journal is crucial for anyone with even a slight or budding hint of the gift of prophecy. Our friends Joy and Patrick Campbell have a strong gift of prophecy and advise to write down what God is sharing for later reflection and confirmation. Sometimes, one doesn’t understand the context of what the Spirit is giving to you, this is the time the journal allows you to “put the prophecy on the shelf” until God exposes fully its meaning. I am not a prophet in their caliber but I have noticed my prophetic gifts with my journals. THEROADOFFAITH.net has made this gift cleared to me over the past 11 months. Through this blog and subsequently my other journal writings, I’ve discovered my gift of prophecy comes through the written word of God and how He shares His thoughts with me. I chuckle at times when I want to have my quiet time with just my Bible that God has other plans. Lectio Divina madness strikes, I open my Bible and read one sentence, a thought fills my soul in a way that I know beyond reason that God wants it shared. Many times, these are reflections that someone will respond that it hit them on the mark or was super meaningful at that moment. Other times, a group of people through the Facebook pages and groups on which I share my reflections will like it an inordinate amount of times or reach out to me directly for prayer or ‘help’ or to share their personal moment on the Road of Faith.
If you don’t have one already, I highly recommend purchasing a journal and beginning this journey. Start with the Lectio Divina process I mentioned yesterday then proceed to wherever God takes your pen. Still not sure? Feel free to reach out to me, I’ll help however I can. The end result is that through His voice within your soul and heart, you draw closer to God.