Doing the Will of God

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“Faithful submission to the will of God, always and everywhere, in all events and circumstances of life, gives great glory to God.” Divine Mercy in My Soul # 724

Submitting to the Will of God is the key to life, both here and later. There is no higher calling to the soul, than living (aka submitting) to the Divine Will of God.

How does the soul do this though? “Always and everywhere, in all events and circumstances of life” seems overwhelming and too much for anyone to actually do.

I’d contend that it isn’t in the big things (it is but) that we live this submission. It is in the little, hidden things that God asks of us in which we give great glory to God. Big-little, size is a subjective term when you think of it. Which was grander – a dad showing his kids love by opening the door for their mom? Or, an evangelist preaching to a stadium full of people?

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people, knowing that it is from the Lord thatyou will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24

The visible size of what we do doesn’t matter as much as the yes, our fiat. I don’t know that God weighs the size of one action as weightier than another but takes each ‘yes’ as gold on the scale.

Little stones on the still pond still make a ripple.

Remove those things that get in between you and God. Prayer, Bible reading and meditating upon God’s Will in your life over television or politics or social media. If you have to scroll anything, make it the Bible.

Go into the next meeting led by a prayer that “everything I say and do be for God.” Or, handle the next argument as if God were to whom you were speaking. Do the dishes and open that door to glorify God.

Do the little things with a bold “yes.” You might find that simple action, done in love and for God, rang louder in Heaven than many big things combined done for other reasons.

“So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do, say, “We are worthless slaves; we have done only what we ought to have done!”’ Luke 17:10