“Do not lose heart in coming for pardon, for I am always ready to forgive you. As often as you beg for it, you glorify My mercy” Divine Mercy in My Soul #1488
I sit here this early morning and a song makes me think of the depth and width of God’s mercy. The song “Just a Girl” comes on. It sings of the innkeeper who told Mary and Joseph he had no room at his inn. The words that filled my heart with the joy of Divine Mercy say, “Just minutes old there trembling in the hay, I could have found a room for them to stay. I’m so ashamed. He’s just a babe. The keeper wept, For what he’d done. He turned away, God’s own Son”
The incarnation of Divine Mercy breaks through our shame and tears. Jesus breaks the cycle of despair in our sin. Jesus the King come in a little dirty manger hiding His Majesty opens the gates of Heaven’s mercy to pour forth the ocean of the Father’s Divine Mercy.
These lyrics strike at the heart of Divine Mercy as we have all turned away from God, we have all refused God’s Son room within the inn of our heart. But, if we come as the inn keeper, ashamed and weeping to stand before Jesus, His Divine Mercy is readily opened and given to us. It doesn’t matter how horrible our sin. If the soul has cast God out totally from his life for decades or even the whole entirety of his life, tears of even this broken heart of this sinner open the floodgates of His Mercy.
“I rejoice at its immensity, for one drop alone would have been enough for the salvation of all sinners.” Divine Mercy in My Soul #72
God’s Divine Mercy overcomes the greatest and most horrible of our sins. One drop of the blood that flows from the Merciful Heart of Jesus is enough to wipe clean all the sins of the world. It only takes a broken heart to find this Mercy.
“The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” Psalm 51:17
No matter where you’ve been or how deep your sin, no matter how horrible that sin may have been or even still is, come forward and look upon our Lord, asking His Divine Mercy. It is freely given. If one drop of the blood of Jesus can overcome ALL the world’s sin, imagine what the blood and water flowing in flooding torrents can do to your personal sins.
Come to Jesus and seek His Mercy!