Dependence – part 2

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Have I asked the Holy Spirit to open my soul and pour in His great gifts?  Yes, for sure.  But, these are not mine to take.  Reading 1 Corinthians 12, I’ve come to realize how much each soul plays a pivotal role in God’s Kingdom.  Even the Apostles each had separate gifts and skills.  They used these graces together for the benefit of all.  Each person who trusts the Holy Spirit to apportion His Gifts as He wills, opens himself to the glory of God. 

With every small fiat, this soul will find itself drawn along a road of faith that brings Jesus present to others.  This road may bring the soul across only one other soul to impact or across multitudes.  And someday, when this soul who lived by trust stands before His Just Judge, he will look down at his empty hands and see a smile on the face of God as he is welcomed home.

I once had a vision of this moment.  I stood before God the Father, He asked me why He should open Heaven to me.  I replied, ‘because Jesus died for me’.  The Father looked at me and responded, ‘prove it’.  I looked at my empty hands and felt my empty pockets, I had nothing to show what I’ve done in my life.  Then, suddenly, behind me, I heard a voice say, “I’m here”.  Followed by another and another.  I turned and saw a sea of people standing behind me with tears in their eyes and hands raised.  “I’m here because of him”.  I felt guilty and turned to the Father, “I did nothing, they’re not here on my account”.  Jesus then smiled at me from the Father’s side, saying, “no, they are here on My account because you trusted Me and let Me work in and through you.  Welcome home, My brother.”  I don’t share this vision lightly.

The soul must recognize its total dependence upon God, through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.  Trust receives grace, trust receives mercy, trust receives all God needs us to have to be the ‘voice’ calling out in His Kingdom. Where there is complete trust, God has a vessel to show His power through.

“…each one can become a great saint, so great is the power of God’s grace. It remains only for us not to oppose God’s action.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 283

you are counting too much on yourself and too little on Me”. Diary # 1087