Dependence – part 1

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“(Jesus) told me that I was to depend on Him for everything, no action undertaken on your own, even though you put much effort into it, pleases Me.  I understood this [need of] dependence” Divine Mercy in my soul # 659

Every gift, every grace we receive comes from God.  There is nothing we obtain nor possess that belongs to us.  We often grasp at things of this world and try to lay claim to them.  We look at our promotion, our house, our every little success as being something we worked hard for an achieved on our own.  So many times I’ve heard people around me make this claim.  “Why do I need God?  Look at all I have, I am blessed by what I’ve achieved, God gave me nothing”. 

How wrong is that claim.  God gives all good gifts, He even gives us the challenges of life so that we may recognize our dependence upon Him and grow in the singular mission the Father wants of us, to be a saint and come to worship and praise Him forever in Heaven.

“You are my Lord, apart from You I have no good thing” Psalm 16:2

This is an important lesson to learn to open all the gifts that the Father wants to pour into our lives through His Holy Spirit.  God is the greatest planner, “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”  Romans 8:28

So many ‘drink the kool-aid’ and listen to the lies of the world, ruled for a time by the enemy.  The world tells us that God helps those who help themselves, even that the mercy of God depends upon the things we do and achieve.  Lies!  The mercy of God fully depends on trust.  And, no treasure we obtain in this life will matter when we stand before the Just Judge on judgment day.  The mercy we receive that day will be fully dependent upon the trust in our hearts.

And that trust brings us to dependence upon His grace and mercy.  All the gifts the Holy Spirit apportions for us are grown with that seed of trust and recognition of our dependence on Him.  If we grasp as the world teaches to take the gifts, or think we can use them on our own power, we will become frustrated and envious of others.  The Charismatic Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for the Glory of God, used through us.  Not for us to take as if some impulse buy at the supermarket check-out.  I’ve seen brothers and sisters in Christ with great gifts of Prophecy, Tongues, and Reading of Souls.  I’ve seen incredible healings and so much more.