Deliver us….

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‘…Deliver us from evil” Matthew 6:13

When a soul praises My goodness, Satan trembles before it and flees to the very bottom of hell.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 378

To open oneself to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the first thing a soul must do is be cleansed and close all portals that were previously opened to the enemy. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is paramount to this. God’s forgiveness and mercy will make the devil run to the deepest parts of hell. Renouncing the sin, asking Jesus to lock the portal and set a guardian angel to seal it for all eternity and breaking the ties to these sins are very important to be freed.

I am not an expert on this process but I have witnessed its power first-hand. The Cross of St. Benedict let by Joy and Patrick Campbell conduct an amazing workshop called ‘Victory in Spiritual Warfare’. I’ve mentioned it several times in the past. This workshop breaks through the barriers and blocks that we’ve imposed throughout our life as well as those that have been set upon us by past generations. These blocks and barriers hold us back from God. There are so many things in my past to which I chained myself, things I didn’t even recognize as bondage. At the end of their conference, a deacon or priest will lead the group in a prayer of deliverance to break these ties, to utterly destroy them. I went home that evening and permanently closed portals in my possession. All movies that I possessed with any ties to occult or magic were destroyed, dozens of fantasy fiction books with spells, monsters and demons were removed, old collector’s Dungeons and Dragons book…gone. I was set free. Within a few days, I met with a confessor and through the Sacrament, broke all ties to sin. Not only did I confess my sins, but I bound the spirit of the sin in the Holy Name of Jesus and renounced the hold they had upon me, taking back all authority. With the absolution, I claimed my rights as a beloved son of my Heavenly Father. Life changing…eternal changes.

A few months later, at the recommendation of a dear brother, I went through Unbound with a tremendous priest and a new brother while a very close brother stood as intercessor in prayer. In a sense, they led me through my life and identified shackles that were still holding onto me. Through the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit, they identified things I would have never guessed. Again, this process concluded with deliverance prayers, renouncing and breaking the ties.

These are two great weapons guided by the Holy Spirit. They both rely on the Sacraments’ power to close the portals and bind the enemy. Until the Campbell’s bring a workshop near you or you can participate in Unbound, take advantage of the freedom of God’s Mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. After you’ve confessed a sin, or after each sin, don’t hesitate to bind and renounce the sin, most priests will understand what you’re doing or at least be intrigued and allow it. “Jesus, I ask You to bind the spirit of ___, and in the Name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of ___” and receive the Father’s blessing in absolution.

“God has promised a great grace especially to you and to all those… who will proclaim My great mercy. I shall protect them Myself at the hour of death, as My own glory. And even if the sins of soul are as dark as night, when the sinner turns to My mercy he gives Me the greatest praise and is the glory of My Passion. When a soul praises My goodness, Satan trembles before it and flees to the very bottom of hell.” Divine Mercy in my soul # 378

I know from each ‘event’, I walked away a changed and new man. I was more open to God than I think I’ve been since the day I was baptized, though that was a long time ago so I don’t remember the rush of the Spirit that I must have felt when He claimed me as His son. Through each, I’ve felt the Holy Spirit enter move fully into my life. I have been delivered from evils…I am free…time to move forward towards God. It is nothing I’ve done but the power and grace of Jesus through the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father that empowers me.

“God is infinitely merciful, no one can deny. He desires everyone to know this before He comes again as Judge. He wants souls to come to know Him first as King of Mercy. ” Divine Mercy in my soul #378

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