Defend us…

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“Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for [someone] to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

In today’s world, a soul looking to God is under constant attack, the ‘lost’ soul trying to hear the ‘still, small whisper’ of God’s voice is being overcome with the noise of our world.  We live in a time of demons, witches, spells, anger, ‘partisan’ hatred, distrust, prevalent sexual sins and pornography, and so much more to attack the soul and destroy it before it can find God’s defense.  

Now, Disney is releasing a new cartoon, “the Owl House”, that promises to introduce young viewers to a world of demons and witchcraft.   

“The show tries to portray witchcraft as a positive tool to fight evil,” (like Harry Potter)  According to reports, the writers room for the show is “full of books on witchcraft, witches and spells to take inspiration from,”

Last month, controversy arose over when major retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble offered a book inviting young children to learn how to summon demons.

So, how does the humble soul have any chance against such darkness and evil?

First, remember God wins!  The Bible is very clear on this fact.  Keep hope and in the Hope, which is Jesus Christ, stand tall and listen for His Guidance.

Lean on Mary.  Mary is the defeat of the demons and enemy.  God gave her the power to defeat him from the beginning (Genesis 3:15).  She is perfectly united with the Will of the Trinity, follow her generalship to victory Pray the Holy Rosary, according to a exorcists it infuriates a d drives out the enemy.

Stay united, “Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord[a] is not easily broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:12. Alone we are vulnerable to this prowling enemy, but when we are united as a Nation of Praise, we are not easily overcome.  Know that when you get knocked down in battle, I armored and ready to stand over you in defense until You can catch your breath and stand again to fight.  I know you’ll do the same for me.

Turn to your guardian angel, he is ready to fight, ready to be ‘tagged in to this rumble’ as soon as you call.  You’ll find that he is always fighting this fight. Stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

Armor yourself with the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist at least weekly, more if possible.

Turn to St Micheal often.  Pray his prayer every morning when waking, before bed at night, after every Mass, throughout the day (set an alarm on tour phone to remind you).  Consider learning and praying the Chaplet of St Michael.

And lastly (well sorta), learn the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and pray it often, make the Divine Mercy your strongest defense.  His Mercy overcomes everything!!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. 

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.   May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 

and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 

by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

“Lord I need You, oh I need You, every hour, I need You, my One Defense, my Righteousness…” (Matt Maher “Lord I need You”)

Tune in tomorrow to here more about closing portals 

This communication is covered in the Precious Blood of Jesus