Courageous Holiness

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“When you live in holiness, when you really try to stop sinning, you become braver. You become more courageous, you become a man of your word. You become a man of conviction that you’re not willing to sell out and you’re really a true knight in shining armour.”  Jim Caviezel

Seeking holiness is not an option, it is a requirement for anyone who desires to worship God and be with Him in Heaven. God Himself set this standard, “For I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, because I am holy.“ Leviticus 11:44 He confirms this in Leviticus 19:2, “ ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.”

”And there will be a highway called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not travel it, only those who walk in that Way–and fools will not stray onto it.” Isaiah 35:8

Holiness is a very high calling, no doubt. But, I say in today’s world, we need men and women of heroic holiness to step forward to speak and show God’s message. This world in wandering along a path of darkness and self-destruction. Who will show them the error of their ways?

As Christians and Catholics, we are called to be that person. To be the knight, gleaming in radiant holiness with the mercy of God as our armor. We are told by Jesus to proclaim His message to the ends of the earth. I don’t know about you, but so far God hasn’t called me to speak to thousands in stadiums, so I’ll start with my family and neighbor. Like many, I live and work in a heavily secular world that accepts all diversity, unless, it feels like, you are a Catholic Christian. In that case, you’re often condemned. That setting doesn’t have to stop you or even make your be afraid of sharing the Gospel.

When I claimed my faith, nearly 20 years ago, the words of Matthew 10:32-33 really troubled me. I thought myself in real trouble at the judgment because while I was no longer denying Christ in my life, I wasn’t proclaiming His Gospel to the world. How could I preach God’s Message and not be condemned by those against it or even fired from my job? I felt that I was a coward. I often begged God’s forgiveness for this and asked Him to help me.

For a period of time, I felt alone and secluded. Like, I was the only person in my company who was a Christian. Then, listening to the enemy’s whispers that I was on an island, God gave me to see a vision of a lighthouse standing tall while around it, a storm raged. I instantly knew that God was telling me to be the light in the darkness, not always with words but with actions. To stand tall in what holiness I could attain in comparison against those around me in the mire. 

I began to demand more of myself and though that standard, of those around me as well. I would kindly ask to stop profanities, and inappropriate jokes and stories. I would not allow myself in situations that could put my holiness at risk; things like, no solo or closed door meetings with a female. I talked often of my adoring love of my wife and how I treat her as a woman deserves. I strive to be her knight.

I am not holy as God is Holy, but I am holier. And, the way I’m trying to live my life has stopped a lot of those ‘worldly’ actions around me. I’ve also noticed that I am not alone, I have found many like-minded and faith-filled men who have come along side me. I hold nothing back about who and what I am. I am first and foremost, a man of God. I adore my wife and cherish the Sacrament of Matrimony that we share – which is at 18 years this Sunday. And, God has rewarded that faithfulness by giving Himself more visibly to me as well as raising up a tremendous group of brothers and sisters around me for support. Did I mention my tremendous bride? The closer I draw to God and His call to holiness, the more I am able to love her and the more I am capable of being the spiritual leader and guide us to deepen our commitment to holiness.

I often fall, but with the supporting cast With which, God has surrounded me, I get up and brush myself off quickly. And I am quickly ready to boldly step out again. Every day, this call to holiness is becoming more engrained in my life.

“Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33

”Most people today want religion whoch suits the way they live, rather then one that makes demands upon them. Religion like this becomes a luxury like an opera, not a responsibility like life” Archbishop Fulton Sheen