Consuming power of Mercy

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Today bring Me the souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy…not one of them will go into the first of hell.  I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death”  Novena of Divine Mercy day 7

I Myself will defend as My Own Glory, during their lifetime and especially at the hour of death, these souls who will venerate My Fathomless Mercy” Divine Mercy in my soul #378 & # 1225

Glorify the Unfathomable Mercy of our God, turn to Him with a contrite heart.  Jesus rejoices in the “title of Mercy”(diary # 300).  Jesus confirms to the soul, “all your miseries have been consumed in the flames of My Love, like a little twig thrown in a roaring fire.  By humbling yourself this way, you draw upon yourself and upon other souls the entire sea of My Mercy” (diary #178).  All the bold print are Jesus’ Own Words.  They are irrefutable – incontestable.  The Sovereign King and Judge of all has spoken His Judgment and there is NONE to the soul that humbles itself before His Mercy.  Throwing the ‘little twigs’ of their sins into “the roaring fire” of His Divine Mercy to be totally consumed.  Have you every just stood and gazed into a large bonfire?  Then thrown a small branch into the embers?  I’m sure most have done this…what do you witness in this action?  The twig, no matter how big and ugly it may be, is consumed by the fire until nothing remains that could ever identify it as a twig again.  The result of throwing the twig in the fire produces additional light and heat that is felt against one’s body.  This is the same as what occurs when a soul throws its sin into the ‘roaring fire’ of His Divine Mercy.  The sin is completely and totally consumed and destroyed.  The darkness that surrounds the soul is lit brightly as the sin is consumed, feeling the heat of Jesus’ Divine Mercy and Love against its heart. 

You may feel that you are standing in a dark, cold night surrounded by the sins of your past.  But, trust in the Lord!  Trust that all sins thrown into the Fire of His Mercy are totally consumed and destroyed then bask in the light and heat that emanates from His Sacred Heart.  The bigger this branch, this sin, the more it will light the darkness and warm the cold soul when His Unfathomable Mercy consumes it.
This Sunday, the Feast of Divine Mercy, Jesus desires “to grant a complete pardon to the souls that will go to confession and receive theEucharist” (diary #1109).  Don’t let this burning desire of Jesus pass by.  Throw your sins into the fire of His Divine Mercy, accept Him into your heart and soul and be consumed.  Nothing that enters the fires comes out unchanged.  He will change you forever.  All it takes is TRUST in His Promise.  

Then, when you’ve experienced this great and awesome Mercy, share your story.  Be the 10th leper who came back to thank Jesus for his healing then ran forth to proclaim what Jesus had done for it (Luke 17:11-19).  Let the who world know you’ve been healed, let them see the healed soul, your soul without stain of any uncleanness or sin.  Proclaim His Divine Mercy – let all souls see this power and have the opportunity to share in His healing fire of mercy.
I’ve experienced His Divine Mercy (many times) and can’t contain the joy I feel being wrapped in the warming embrace of His Love.  I’ve experienced and witnessed His Divine Mercy, How can I keep from singing?!?!?!  How can I ever get enough?

“”In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” Isaiah 30:15   It only takes a contrite heart to rest in the Divine Mercy of the Father, in simple quietness the soul will find strength of its salvation.  Quietness and trust, no ‘yea buts’ or ‘but not my sin’, simple trust that the Eternal Father, YOUR Father loves you more than any sin could stain or scar you and sent His Son to set you free in His Divine Mercy.  Totally FREE!

“Father of great mercy, I desire that all hearts turn with confidence to Your Great Mercy.  No one will be justified before You if he is not accompanied by Your Unfathomable Mercy” Diary #1122

One comment


    God bless America, land that I love
    Stand beside her and guide her
    Through the night with the light from above
    Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
    have mercy on us and on the whole world.
    Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
    have mercy on us and on the whole world.
    Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
    have mercy on us and on the whole world.

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