Come back to Me

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“Come back to me with all your heart.  Don’t let fear keep us apart” Hosea (Come back to me)

“Give me back the joy of your salvation, and a willing spirit sustain in me.”  Psalm 51:14

“Long have I waited for your coming home to me, And living deeply our new lives” Hosea

God always bring joy to me through the verses of this song every Lent.  I can picture the smile on God’s face and the joy of Heaven for every soul that hears the cry of God calling it to come back to Him. 

“Oh, if sinners knew My mercy, they would not perish in such great numbers. Tell sinful souls not to be afraid to approach Me; speak to them of My great mercy.  The Lord said to me, The loss of each soul plunges Me into mortal sadness.” Divine Mercy in my soul #1496-1397

Jesus’ heart in the Divine Mercy burns for the return of souls to His love.  What keeps a soul from seeing and accepting this Great love? Sadly, fear is a huge culprit keeping hearts from turning to God.  

Jesus knows this and addresses it to St Faustina, “It was for their (sinners) sake that I came down from heaven; it was for their sake that My Blood was spilled. Let them not fear to approach Me; they are most in need of My mercy.” Diary #1275

“Oh, not me, if He knew what I’ve done, He won’t want me”.  Are these your words? No! It’s a lie of the enemy. The enemy wants you to fear to approach God, he wants to shout words of God’s wrath and punishment to “horrible sinners”.  The last thing he wants is for the soul to hear the loving call of their Father.

But, Jesus reminds us, “let the greatest sinners place their trust in My mercy. They have the right before others to trust in the abyss of My mercy.” Diary  #1146

By Lenten tradition, we are asked to fast, to give up something close to us, something we are attached to, that we may draw closer to God in that ‘sacrifice’.  If you are going to give up anything this Lent, give up fear. God is longing for your coming home. And yes, He has the power to raise even the dead soul to life in Him.

This Lent stop and listen to God’s call, He is imploring every soul to come back to Him, let go of fear and turn back.  Feel the joy of His salvation poured into your soul and live life more fully and alive than ever before. Then, your soul “shall proclaim His praise”  Psalm 51:17