Take a few moments to read John 1 today. I sit here gazing at the marvel of the Grand Tetons as I meditate upon John 1. Take a moment to spend some time in Lectio Divina upon John’s ‘prologue’ to His Gospel.
It is such a beautiful and poetic start to John’s story and teaching of Jesus. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.’
This start to John’s writings can take away one’s breath if you truly ponder its meaning. But, this evening as I read this Gospel, these words tie together with the ones that capture my mind and heart – “come and see.”
The two first disciples heard the Baptist proclaim Who Jesus is. They pursue Him and ask where Jesus is staying. To which Jesus replies, “come and see.” Andrew and the other stayed with Jesus for the day, then Andrew ran out to tell his brother, Simon.
Do you pursue Jesus, seeking to learn more of Him? Do you spend notable time with Jesus, listening to what He has to say? Imagine the teaching Jesus could impart in an afternoon, if we but listen. When you’ve heard what Jesus says, are you convinced of Whom He is – the Messiah…the Word Who was with God in the beginning and Who IS God.
Jesus looks to you this day, turning His eyes in invitation – “come and see.”
What stands out to you as you read John 1?