“choose this day whom you will serve…As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24;15 When[…]
Read morePersonal reflections on my journey of faith as I learn to trust in Jesus. "A highway will be there, called the holy way; No one unclean may pass over it, nor fools go astray on it. No lion will be there, nor beast of prey go up to be met upon it. It is for those with a journey to make, and on it the redeemed will walk." Isaiah 36:8-9
“choose this day whom you will serve…As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24;15 When[…]
Read moreWill you stand and speak boldly for God? Will you stand alone before the world to declare the glory of[…]
Read moreThe Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine (Spanish: Catedral basílica de San Agustín) is a historic cathedral in St. Augustine, Florida,[…]
Read more“As he entered a village, ten lepers[a]approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on[…]
Read more“Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not yet know Me. I[…]
Read more“I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart and glorify your name for ever” Psalm 86:12 What[…]
Read more“When my love and desire had reached a high degree, I saw at my bedside a Seraph, who gave me[…]
Read more“Do with me as You please; I am ready for everything, but You, O Lord, must not abandon me even[…]
Read moreOur Catholic faith is so awesome. My wife and I joined Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie PA about[…]
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