Called by Name

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“I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

Notice in the Bible that God calls each person by their individual name?

Adam just brought the first sin into the world. He was hiding in fear and shame for his actions. What does God do? Does He throw lightening bolts and fire down upon Adam and Eve for their transgression? No. God walked into the garden and called out, “Adam, where are you?”

Look at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 1:1-16), So many in this line made mistakes and all were sinful men and women. But, God thinks enough of them despite all their failings to not only make them part of His Son’s birth and the redemption of the world but also He calls them by their name.

No matter what you’ve done, the Father is calling you, by your name. No matter how long or how far you’ve strayed from Him or even if you can’t remember God, He not only remembers you but the Father is calling out your name through the distance and darkness.

Don’t think of God abstractly loving the whole world. While it is true that He loves all mankind, He loves you more. God loves you enough to give up His glory and come to earth to search for you. God loves you enough to give Himself up to the pain and darkness of death through the cross. God loves you so much that He took all your sins upon Himself. He did all this to open the way to the Father’s heavenly home to you.

Jesus Christ reaches through the depths of the sea of your sinfulness and opens the ocean of His mercy to you.

The greatness and treasure of Divine Mercy is that it is all for you. The depth and wideness of God’s great mercy is all directed towards you. The love of God’s Divine Mercy is to obtain His greatest treasure, yes – you.

Next time you hear your name being called, don’t react with “depart from me I am sinful.” Give your wholehearted reply, “here I am, Lord.”