Broke Again

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I was broken, He fixed me and I broke again.

These words are a living testament for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. When you’ve fallen, again, the enemy tries to use the shame to keep your eyes bowed in shame. But, in that moment, when you are ashamed to even come before Jesus to ask forgiveness, Jesus responds simply, “look up.”

“Do you want to be made well?’” John 5:6

Our shame is human. Shame let loose can keep you from God and ultimately from Heaven itself. But, shame controlled can keep you from sin.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. O God, you will not despise a broken and contrite heart.” Psalm 51:17

When come before Jesus, full of shame and with a broken heart for having fallen into sin again, He doesn’t cast judgment. Jesus looks into your heart, sees the shame within and the desire for mercy. He doesn’t cast judgment but instead touches your cheek, tears in HIS eyes and says, “look up. Look at Me.” In the moment your eyes rise to His, you will see the depth of His love more than in most any other time of your life.

The love Jesus has for you is paled by nothing. Not even your most horrible sin. His love is not lessened even if that sin has been repeated a thousand thousand times.

Don’t let shame hold you away from His Divine Mercy. That is the ONLY thing that can keep that mercy from washing you clean and setting you free to lift your eyes as a child of the Heavenly Father.