Bring the Fire

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Tomorrow is Pentecost 2020, the Lord is granting that this be a great day of vision.  A day to receive His Holy Spirit in a full baptism of fire.

Spend these last hours before this outpouring in final preparation of this magnificent event.  How should a soul prepare to accept this fire?

Spend time in expectant prayer.  Not just prayer but expecting God to answer.  The expectant prayer of supplication makes a request known to God because of faith that God can and will answer

Pray boldly!

Pray as if you believe He hears.

Pray as if you believe He cares.

Pray for miracles.

Pray through the fear and doubt. 

Pray and trust His Sovereignty.

Pray as if you believe your prayers matter.

Pray away obstacles.

Pray from pure motives.

Pray consistently.

Pray from your position as righteous heir. This is your inheritance.

Spend time in His Holy Word.  Focus on scripture.  Read Acts of the Apostles 1-4, relive in theses words the original outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  Put yourself back in that upper room, lost in prayer with the apostles and Mary, the mother of God.  Look to her calm confidence when your mind wanders and doubts set in.  See Philippians 4:6, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Repent!  Seek to make things right between you and the Lord Jesus.  Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation May be difficult for you in quarantine or it might be late to receive in time for a Pentecostal outpouring, make it right anyways.  You can confess your sins to Jesus will forgive.  “If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9. Trust in God’s Divine Mercy – Jesus’ Merciful Heart ached and burns to pour His mercy into your soul, just repent and accept His Mercy and Love!  Then, at first opportunity, make that Sacramental Confession.  

St. Faustina wrote, “Oh, if souls would only be willing to listen, at least a little, to the voice of conscience and the voice—that is, the inspirations—of the Holy Spirit! I say ‘at least a little,’ because once we open ourselves to the influence of the Holy Spirit, He Himself will fulfill what is lacking in us” Divine Mercy in my soul #359

Repent, focus on His Word and promises and pray boldly.  And let God bring the fire of His Spirit. Trust He will let the Fire fall.

St. Faustina shares this gem about her interior life: “in my interior life I never reason; I do not analyze the ways in which God’s Spirit leads me. It is enough for me to know that I am loved and that I love” Diary #293

We must be filled with the love of God, and we will do His will only by following the Holy Spirit. If we do, we accomplish great things over all the earth: “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”.