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Do you desire Spiritual Gifts…Word of knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discerning of spirits, the Gift of Healing, the Gift of workings of Miracles, the Gift of Faith, the Gift of Tongues, the Gift of Interpretations of tongues, the Gift of Prophecy.

After the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles at Pentecost, they were not afraid. They were filled with holy boldness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Through His grace, the Holy Spirit is the first to awaken faith in us and to communicate to us the new life, which is to ‘know the Father and the One whom He has sent, Jesus Christ’” (CCC, 684).

Be bold!  Like the apostles stepping out of the upper room, boldly proclaim the Word and Power of God.  You don’t need to be a theologian, your don’t have to be trained in Church doctrine or theology.  Peter, John, James, Stephen…these men weren’t high scholars.  They were empowered by the Spirit on Pentecost. And with this power, they boldly stepped out, holding nothing back in proclaiming God’s great power and love.

Mimic them if you don’t know where to begin.  Tell how this man, Jesus, touched your life.  What He did for you personally.  This interaction can’t be disputed by any person truly with open ears and eyes.  Yes, some who don’t want to believe for whatever their reason will fight just as the Sanhedrin came against Peter but so many more will want to hear about this experience.  They will find themselves pitted against God not you.  “but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them—in that case you may even be found fighting against God!”  Acts 5:39

I first realized this days after Jesus came to my daughter in the emergency room (see my book “I knew His Voice” – available in the catalog on my home page or Amazon).  My wife and I were unsure of if or how to share this incredible event.  She told a close co-worker, who was more nonbeliever than not, she saw this person perk up and open herself to the possibility.  And I told a close co-worker who was a believer – I told the story because she was praying for our daughter.  Another man overheard me taking and it changed his life. He came up to me and asked, ‘did that really happen?’  “Yes”. And he proceeded to tell me of his challenges and asked me to take him to church.  We went and prayed in quiet.  A few weeks later I met him again and he told me how he was attending Mass now and that his wife and he were reconciling and his daughter held his hand and hugged him.

Many won’t believe, refuse to believe anything, but those people shouldn’t hold us back or make us fearful to proclaim the message of what God has done in our lives.  If our story touches one person, changes one life – is that enough?  I say yes.  

Are you willing to step out and boldly proclaim His Message? Are you willing to show the gifts the Holy Spirit apportioned regardless of what judgment or even condemnation others may cast at you?  To tell YOUR story…

Last night, I had an experience at Pentecost Vigil prayers that solidified within me, I will boldly proclaim and let my gifts out in full.  I will be the bold St Peter and the super Paul who changed the lives of thousands.
Today is your day! You shall be be filled with the Holy Spirit & Power over every other powers. Your spiritual eyes & ears will be opened and your mouth proclaim His glory!