Bite Your Tongue?

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“As Jesus passed by, two blind men followed him, crying out, “Son of David, have pity on us!” When he entered the house, the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I can do this?
“Yes, Lord,” they said to him.
Then he touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done for you according to your faith.” And their eyes were opened.
Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.” Matthew 9:27-31

See that no one knows about this.

I sit here this morning meditating on this story and especially these words of Jesus. These men were blind. They can’t see their wives or children. They miss out on the beauty of the sunset or the glisten of the moon across the sea. Jesus heals them then commands them to tell no one.

First off, just their seeing would tip people off of something miraculous. But, more so, how could they hold back sharing their joy? “But they went out and spread word of him through all that land.”

What about you?

You’ve met the savior, the Messiah – “Son of David”, “Lord.” He has healed your sight. You can see in ways beyond the world. You have vision to see Who Jesus truly is.

Do you run from this meeting to tell of Jesus throughout all the land? Or, do you keep this encounter secret and in your own home or church only?

Let your soul scream out its joy! Let it loose! Don’t hold back. Tell everyone you meet of your encounter with Jesus.

“He said in reply, “I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!”” Luke 19:40

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