“Watch out—beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.” Mark 8:15
Praying for our nation this morning God placed this verse upon my heart. I read it. I didn’t get right away how it tied to my prayer. Then, it hit me like the news headlines.
The times are coming of the great darkness and warning. The darkness may already be upon us in many ways. We are so blind as a people now. So many can’t see what is right before their eyes. Did you know that 20 states are working toward legislation to create a central bank system based on government currency? Have you read how elementary level kids are being ‘educated’ on ‘true’ gender identity? Did you see that 3 men were given awards on International Women’s Day for their ‘transgender battle’ and identify? Have you seen the German Synod votes or heard the silence of the Bishops of the USCCB on prominent ‘Catholic’s’ support of abortion? Or the Swiss priest that had a woman co-celebrate Mass?
The leaven of Herod (the government) and Pharisee (religious) is being scattered wildly. Once yeast falls into a dough, it is forever altered. Yeasted dough raises no matter what you do to stop it.
Yet, society walks blindly forward. Most don’t realize what is going on in the government. They see nothing, hear nothing. They listen blissfully as the media raises its voice against truth and tells you the lies are truth. And, so many believe the lies so deeply that they know them to be true. Becoming angry if one says differently.
The days are coming and maybe here now that the world will fall into total darkness, unable to see the light. Not only blind to the light but attacking anyone claiming to see the light.
Now, this is the time for good Christian men and women to open their eyes. Beware of the leaven of Herod and the Pharisees and be courageous enough to call it out. St. John the Baptist had that courage. He called Herod out in his sin. He shined the light into Herod’s eyes. Herod saw something but was too afraid to say what he saw. So fearful, he let himself be tricked to murdering this prophet who might have saved him.
Now is the time we must be the light that Jesus called us to be. He identifies us as the ‘light of the world’ Matthew 5:14. We are called to bring flavor and seasoning back to a bland world – Matthew 5:13
If someone is lost and wandering in the darkness, be the light that guides them to The Light.