Bible on the Road – Praying for Things

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“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” Romans 8:26-27

If the Spirit knows what we need before we ask and God knows everything, knows our hearts better than we do, why do we even have to pray? Why doesn’t God just do what needs to be done in our lives? I mean, really? Most times we don’t ask for the right things or ask for prideful and greedy things. We want things that makes us feel good. We ask for things to go our way. God knows what is best. He’s proven it by the unanswered prayers and guidance He gives outside our prayers.

I look at my own life’s examples. As told in my book, “I Knew His Voice”, I begged God confidently to heal my daughter. With no doubt that He could do so with just the touch of His tassel. I knew He could do it and told Him when He did heal her, we would glorify His power and love. When He didn’t answer those prayers, o felt offended and my faith fell. He knew He could heal Kristina and that for a moment I would exclaim His Glory, but, He also knew I wouldn’t grow from that as much as I could from His plan. In my fallen ‘moment’, I found Divine Mercy, St. Faustina and God. In that downtime, I found trust in Jesus.

So why does God ‘make’ us pray so long and hard if He just wasn’t going to answer?

He wants to hear us ask for one thing. God loves to hear our voice when we speak to Him. But, God told me in prayer this morning there is a bigger reason that He wants us to ask. When we pray, we hear our prayers as well. The prayers over time grow from selfish prayers to Godly prayers. We go from prayers where we simply say “Thy Will be done” to one’s where we truly mean it. God guides our prayerful minds and hearts to draw closer to Him through His yes and no answers. He uses our prayers to educate us. One things I’ve learned as a people manager is the best way to come to success is when the people take ownership and make the plans theirs. As God guides us through the early praying, we come to see when we pray wrong or selfishly by His answers – and, we learn. We buy into the fact that His Will is for us to come home and we do that slowly through growing prayers.

When God doesn’t answer a prayer, look for the growth opportunity in how you’re praying. When God does answer, say thanks and learn from how your prayer was united with His Will from the start and learn. God knows our needs before we ask, but keep asking and learning.

“At that moment Jesus asked me, My child, how is your retreat going? I answered, “But Jesus, You know how it is going.” Yes, I know, but I want to hear it from your own lips and from your heart. “ Divine Mercy in My Soul # 295